Source code for cheminfopy.managers.sample

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Interface for the sample abstraction in the cheminfo ELN"""
from typing import Union
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from .manager import Manager
from .utils import _new_toc, test_upload
from ..constants import VALID_DATA_TYPES
from ..errors import InvalidAttachmentTypeError

__all__ = ["Sample"]

[docs]class Sample(Manager): """Sample manager handles operations on samples"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: instance (str): URL the the ELN instance, for example for the deployment token (str): Token string. Can be any kind of token (user/entry) with any rights. If the token does not have suitable rights, the library will raise and Exception. Tokens can be generated in the ELN using the "Access Token" view sample_uuid (str): UUID of the sample """ self.sample_uuid = kwargs.pop("sample_uuid", None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._sample_toc = None
[docs] def put_data( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, data_type: str, file_name: str, file_content: str, metadata: dict = None, source_info: Union[dict, None] = None, ): """This methods allows to add spectra to a sample. Follow the dataschema at In particular, use JCAMP-DX files for spectra. You can use the pytojcamp library ( to convert Python dictionaries to JCAMP-DX files. Args: data_type (str): spectrum type. Valid types are in VALID_DATA_TYPES file_name (str): filename (with extension) file_content (str): String with the content of the file metadata (str): Metadata dictionary. Please follow the schema at For example, for gas adsorption isotherms you might want to add the keys 'adsorptive' and 'temperature'. Defaults to None. source_info (Union[dict, None], optional): You can provide a dictionary with source information. Allowed keys are "name", "url", 'uuid", "doi". Use this to describe the source of the data you want to attach to the sample. If you do not provide this dictionary / leave the default value of None, we will default the values in DEFAULT_SOURCE_DICT. Defaults to None. Raises: InvalidAttachmentTypeError: If the selected type is not supported by the schema of the ELN. The allowed types are in VALID_DATA_TYPES """ if data_type not in VALID_DATA_TYPES: raise InvalidAttachmentTypeError( f"Invalid spectrum type {data_type}.\ Allowed spectrum types are {', '.join(VALID_DATA_TYPES)}." ) query_path = f"entry/{self.sample_uuid}/spectra/{data_type}/{file_name}" url = urljoin(self.instance, query_path) self.requester.put(url, data=file_content) # Fail and do not update the TOC in case we cannot find the file test_upload(url, self.requester) new_toc = _new_toc(self.toc, data_type, file_name, metadata, source_info) self._update_toc(new_toc)
[docs] def get_data(self, data_type: str, file_name: str): """Allows to get a specific spectrum from the ELN. For this you need to select the type and the filename of the spectrum. You can get an overview of all the attached spectra from the table of contents of the sample. Args: data_type (str): spectrum type. Valid types are in VALID_DATA_TYPES file_name (str): filename (with extension) Returns: [str]: The filecontent of the selected spectrum. Raises: InvalidAttachmentTypeError: If the selected type is not supported by the schema of the ELN. The allowed types are in VALID_DATA_TYPES """ if data_type not in VALID_DATA_TYPES: raise InvalidAttachmentTypeError( f"Invalid spectrum type {data_type}.\ Allowed spectrum types are {', '.join(VALID_DATA_TYPES)}." ) query_path = f"entry/{self.sample_uuid}/spectra/{data_type}/{file_name}" url = urljoin(self.instance, query_path) return self.requester.get_file(url).text
[docs] def has_right(self, right: str) -> bool: """Checks if the token with which the manager was initialized has certain rights. Args: right (str): right to test ("write", "create", "read", "addAttachment" are the most relevant ones) Returns: [bool]: True if the manager instance has the rights """ query_path = f"entry/{self.sample_uuid}/_rights/{right}" url = urljoin(self.instance, query_path) resp = self.requester.get(url).text if resp == "true": return True return False
@property def uuid(self): """UUID of the sample""" return self.sample_uuid @property def id(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ID of the sample""" return self.toc["_id"] @property def revision(self): """Revision of the document""" return self.toc["_rev"] @property def owners(self): """Owners of the sample""" return self.toc["$owners"] @property def type(self): """Type of the document""" return self.toc["$entry"] @property def last_modified_by(self): """Returns the username who performed the last modification""" return self.toc["$lastModification"] @property def modification_date(self): """Returns the date of the last modification""" return self.toc["$modificationDate"] @property def creation_date(self): """Returns the creation date""" return self.toc["$creationDate"] @property def toc(self): """Get the table of contents entry for this sample""" return self._get_toc() @property def molfile(self): """Return the molfile for this sample""" toc = self.toc return toc["$content"]["general"]["molfile"] @property def mw(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Return the molecular weight in g/mol""" toc = self.toc return toc["$content"]["general"]["mw"] @property def em(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Returns the exact mass in Dalton""" toc = self.toc return toc["$content"]["general"]["em"] @property def mf(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Returns a string with the molecular formula""" toc = self.toc return toc["$content"]["general"]["mf"] @property def spectra(self): """Lists all spectra that are attached to the sample""" toc = self.toc return toc["$content"]["spectra"] def _get_toc(self): """Make GET request for the table of contents""" query_path = f"entry/{self.sample_uuid}" url = urljoin(self.instance, query_path) self._sample_toc = self.requester.get(url) return self._sample_toc def _update_toc(self, new_toc: dict): """Make a PUT request to update the table of contents""" query_path = f"entry/{self.sample_uuid}" url = urljoin(self.instance, query_path) self.requester.put(url, json_payload=new_toc)